Monday, February 14, 2011

All Around the Coal Boiler

This blog is intended for the ILEAD study session All Around the Coal Boiler. I am leading this study group in March and April of this year. This blog is primarily a place for the people in the group to share information and comments. The course covers coal combustion and traditional pollution control techniques. It does not cover mining or carbon sequestration or the fate of pollutants in the environment.

My main blog is Yes Vermont Yankee. However, All Around the Coal Boiler is not a four-week-long bashing of coal while shouting "rah-rah for nuclear!" The course is about coal and coal pollution control techniques. Most people know very little about this subject. I feel that we should all have a good idea of where our electricity is coming from, and half the electricity in the United States comes from coal.

A post from my blog last year can serve as an introduction to the course this year: